This consultation will end on November 8th 2024.

Vale of Glamorgan Replacement Local Development Plan 2021 – 2036 (RLDP)

SP4 KS3: Land at Readers Way, Rhoose.

Consultation on behalf of PMG Development Ltd.


On the 30th of September 2024 the RLDP Initial Consultation Report was considered and agreed at a meeting of Full Council of the Vale of Glamorgan.

In agreeing the Initial Consultation Report, Full Council endorsed the actions set out within the document and granted approval to use the Preferred Strategy as a basis for progression on to next stage of RLDP preparation, the Deposit Stage.

The Preferred Strategy includes Readers Way, Rhoose as one of the Key Sites (SP4 KS3) which will deliver homes (open market and affordable) and supporting development including retail, commercial, community and formal and informal open space provision.

The Initial Consultation Report includes a commitment to request that the site promoters undertake informal engagement on placemaking with local communities to inform the masterplanning of these sites.


This consultation along with an associated Placemaking Event to take place at Celtic Way Community Centre, Rhoose on 23rd October 2024 between 3.30PM and 7PM provides the community with an opportunity to engage with the promoter PMG Development Ltd

The Council’s RLDP Team have emphasised that the purpose of this exercise is not to revisit the principle of developing the site. Instead, the purpose is to gain local insight into the site and understand priorities and concerns about it. In this knowledge, where possible, PMG Development Ltd will be able to respond proactively to key issues.

Placemaking involves working collaboratively across sectors and disciplines to comprehensively consider the future development of distinctive and vibrant places. A key component of Placemaking is involving the community so that the site’s context, character, heritage and culture can be understood.

Topics that comments would be welcomed on include: the local highway network, public open space provision, proposed end uses for mixed use units, important local cultural and heritage issues, important local social activities (e.g. sports clubs etc) and environmental risks and opportunities such as flooding and ecology.

You can make your comments via the link below.

This consultation will end on November 8th 2024.
